Of course, they failed without exception, but like all classical mathematical problems, failure brought more gifts than success.

Xiang Xin’s face was depressed in Cheng Jinzhou’s imagination, but she was surprised. "I think since it is difficult to prove that it is correct, I want to try reducing it to absurdity and see what the results are, and then there are some strange results …"
A stream of cold air rose from Cheng Jinzhou’s coccyx and went straight through the spinal cord to stimulate him. He couldn’t even hold the teacup steadily. He shouted "Impossible" in his heart.
Chapter 47 Parallel Axioms (2)
From the ancient and modern study of Euclid, it takes only a few days to reach tens of millions, among which the number of successful people can meet the needs of the entire academic community in China if we look at the qualifications of modern professors.
However, among the most famous achievements derived from the European foundation, two cows who did the opposite established the "non-European" buildings Lobachevsky and Riemann.
The word "curvature", which often appears in science fiction, actually comes from the fact that Riemannian Mathematics is also the tool used by Einstein in describing bending, but their ideological source is simple and unbelievable.
It is people’s persistent doubts about the fifth postulate of Euclid that gave birth to non-Euclid.
In order to prove the parallel theorem by reduction to absurdity, it is necessary to deny the fifth theorem of Euclidean number in the problem setting and try to prove it wrong-it is embarrassing for many people that when the problem is lucky, a lot of new theorems can be drawn from it, but they can’t return to the problem setting and prove that the parallel theorem is correct, so a group of people who believe in Euclidean number go further and further on the anti-Euclidean road …
However, non-Europe is a matter of the 19th century. Cheng Jinzhou did not believe that a small first-class astrologer could solve a 19th century problem in the 17th century.
Xiang Xin waited quietly beside Cheng Jinzhou and took out a page of draft paper with him without talking, which was a disproof of the parallel theorem.
Think more about Yi Cheng Jinzhou took a deep breath and bent over to look up.
Dressed in a gray-black robe, the Star Warlock Pavilion is somewhat uneasy.
In the eyes of people who don’t know, this may be a rather strange thing. The arrogant astrologer shows his lack of confidence in front of an ordinary person. This kind of thing often appears in romance novels …
Cheng Jinzhou looked at it and occasionally calculated with a quill pen for another research-oriented doctor’s classic certificate three years ago. What answer should I get from it has long been familiar with his theory, but I can’t do it now.
Fortunately, it’s elementary school, few advanced knowledge, and it’s not for Cheng Jinzhou to start.
The draft paper is about five pages thick. Xiang Xin has much more knowledge than in Euclid’s time. At the edge of modern mathematics, she can also look at the problem with a more advanced eye. In the stage of disproof, all kinds of inferences are good. When looking at the first two pages, Cheng Jinzhou’s anxiety is increasing.
But soon he was relieved.
Xiang Xin makes the guessing sentence descriptive.
She has never been exposed to calculus, but she will not succeed if she is exhausted because of the extreme concept hundreds of years ago.
Cheng Jinzhou breathed a long sigh of relief-it’s a pity that the history won’t change because a butterfly shows off. If there is no leading world scientific thought, no matter how many, he can’t compete with these intelligent superstars.
Xiang Xin has some misunderstandings. See Cheng Jinzhou raised his head in the place where he was most worried. His whole face cried with shame. "I should get rid of it later, but I want you to guide me …"
Although Xiang Xin has been asking questions from Cheng Jinzhou these days, she has never said such words as "asking for advice" and "guiding". A real star warlock has much higher status than those "fans" like Wu Zong. While enjoying the benefits of star warlock, she also has unshirkable responsibilities, including maintaining the image dignity of star warlock.
Willing to bow their heads and say the word "guidance", Xiang Xin recognizes Cheng Jinzhou’s ability, and he would not believe that a 13-year-old boy has more than a first-class astrologer’s knowledge of mathematics and physics unless he experienced Xiang Xin himself.
But when she bowed her head, her heart relaxed a lot.
Cheng Jinzhou won’t understand the twists and turns. After a moment’s hesitation, he said, "You chose the right angle, but you chose the wrong goal."
"the goal? You mean I should first assume a little parallel lines … "Xiang Xin said to the specific.
Cheng Jinzhou shook his immature face and shrugged. "You don’t have the answers you want at present. You should try simpler questions first."
Xiang Xin’s face suddenly turned red, and people suddenly stood up and stood still for a moment. "You mean I’m not qualified to do this problem?"
If the natives of the Great Xia Dynasty were questioned by a star warlock, they would have collapsed. Cheng Jinzhou frowned and said, "You are not qualified to do problems, mostly because your attitude at the moment is not qualified for this generation."
"I …" Xiang Xin also came to know that she had lost her temper in vain, but she wanted to apologize to Cheng Jinzhou. She was a little embarrassed and deadlocked, and later she simply made a dash for the door.
Cheng Jinzhou shrugged his shoulders and put a big stone on his chest.
If you teach this Xin again, you may really touch a little edge. At that time, it will be much more troublesome. This warlock who looks like a little nun star is the best genius Cheng Jinzhou has ever seen. He studied for just over a month and then almost came to the conclusion independently. This level is extremely good in a university in the 21st century, but Cheng Jinzhou prefers to believe that Xiang Xin is in an academic era.
It is precisely because of the rapid alternate development of modern science that so many super geniuses were born in the 17th and 1st centuries of the actual earth history-only those genius elements in the early 2nd century can be compared.
A gust of wind blows half a window and blows several drafts on the desktop to the ground, which is just a series of limit continuous calculations.
Cheng Jinzhou stared at these handwriting representing calculus prototype for a moment and slammed the door and took a deep breath outside the hospital.
There is a smell of giants in the air.
Chapter 40 Achievement Report (1)
The festival has finally arrived.
The strong flavor of the New Year, accompanied by firecrackers, decorated Shaonan City as if everyone in the celebration city was smiling-no matter whether the past year was happy or not.
In a trance, Jinzhou seems to see a city more like home than home.
Festive red smells like smoke, and mutual blessings involuntarily remind him of his childhood, which is almost gone when he reaches adulthood.
Without the hustle and bustle of traffic, people’s greetings are easier to flow outside the wall. After a day and a night of paving, the world is covered with snow, and the people’s voices are much louder than usual. Even in the mansion, the servants don’t have to bow their heads and step on small steps. The stewards usually let go of small violations.
This is another wide festival for the residents of the Great Xia Dynasty.